In this newsletter
The Great Easter Challenge 2024
Last week we launched The Great Easter Challenge 2024 during assembly! We hope the children are all excited about this - but remember it is supposed to be fun so please enjoy it! Spare forms are available to download online along with all the information you need.
Mother's Day Gift Shop
The 100 Club
Cake Sale & Uniform Shop - today!
Ongoing Fundraisers
Friends of Claverdon updates and changes
New look website
One of the biggest changes this year has been a refresh and update of the Friends of Claverdon website. We hope the website will be a central point of information for all things related to Friends of Claverdon, as well as somewhere you will be able to buy tickets for events, support our school and get involved in activities. More updates to the website will be on the way soon... watch this space!
Your feedback on communications
Spring catch up with new steering group
Upcoming projects supported by your donations
Installation of solar panels
Claverdon Primary School are currently looking at the viability of installing solar panels at the school in an effort to reduce energy costs and our carbon footprint.
Your donations will help support this amazing project which is currently at the stage of applying for grants to supplement the funds we have. We are also working in collaboration with "Let's Go Zero", to help us review the Solar quotes we have and understand the best choice for our school. We'll keep you update on how your incredible donations are being used to help the school with this project.
Purchase of Chromebooks
RE resources
What's coming up next half-term
The Great Easter Challenge 2024 comes to a close - the website has all the dates you read and keep an eye on comms for how we’re celebrating the children’s amazing achievements!
You heard it here first… on Tuesday 21st May the school disco will take place at Claverdon Primary School! The children love this one - tickets will be available via the website nearer the date. A big shout out to our brilliant organisers for this event!
For all your second hand clothing - the next Bag2school collection is on Wednesday 12th June. The more clothing donated the more money raised for our school. Details of accepted items are all online.
On Friday 14th June we will be hosting the second Gift Shop of the year for Father’s Day - it will be all hand of deck again so if you can get involved please let us know!
How you can get involved next term

We’re currently looking for help and volunteers for the following projects at school. If you would like to get involved you’d be very welcome - and it would be very much appreciated! Drop your class rep a message or visit www.friendsofclaverdon.org/contactus to send us a message.
School library / parent reading scheme - ideally someone to coordinate a reading rota, and as part of a team ongoing library maintenance and organisation.
School gardens - perfect for those with green fingers… or passionate about all things green and wild at least! Looking for some planning and maintenance - it would be great to get a team together!
Fun run / sponsored walk - calling all runners for this one! We’d love to make this happen but it will take some organising. Let us know if you are happy to get involved in this one.
Event organisation and volunteering - with lots of events coming up it really will be all hands on deck and we could really use your help! No specialist skills required don’t worry!