Congratulations to Claverdon Primary School!
It is wonderful to hear the very exciting news that following the recent Ofsted inspection, Claverdon Primary has been graded “Outstanding” in all areas. An exceptional achievement, and we would like to join school in celebrating! We send our sincere thanks for all the hard work the school staff put in on a daily basis – and to say the time and effort spent supporting our children is recognised, and highly valued. Thank you!
Important: change of meeting dates
Originally we'd planned to hold a 'brainstorming' type meeting on Monday 23rd September but due to a clash with secondary school open days we've decided to merge this session with the Friends of Claverdon AGM on Monday 7th October. Please do come along and share your feedback and opinions.

Let's Go Zero : Decarbonisation update
Just before the summer a small team worked together to put a bid forward for a grant to pay for a “decarbonisation plan”. This is the first step in looking at what we can do at school to make our building more sustainable for the future – and also reduce the bills – freeing up some of that money to support our children. We are delighted to announce that our bid was successful! Towards the end of the summer we had a visit from Barker Associates who will start working on this plan. This plan is not only important for understanding the changes we need to make, but it also opens up opportunities for further grants to fund this work.
Congratulations to our 100 Club winners for July and August!
The 100 Club continues all year round and we're delighted to bring you the winners for July and August! It costs just £2 to enter each month and with the first place prize now at £30 each month there's never been a better time to get involved. What's more - the same amount is donated to our school each month too, which means your participation throughout the summer earned £80 for our school. Everyone is welcome - for more information on how to sign-up visit the website here.
Your FREE Stikins samples
As per the reminder from school in the newsletter this week, to avoid losing those valuable items of clothing it's important to label as much as you can! For those that ordered free Stikins samples before summer they'll be making their way to you shortly. A reminder that Friends of Claverdon receive 30% commission on all Stikins orders - just quote 4537 when you checkout.
... and a final reminder that registration is still open for the Claverdon Fun Run 2024.
A big thank you to everyone who has signed up this week. Don't worry, there's still time to register online. And remember it's all about having FUN so bring your friends too!