Fundraising update and volunteers needed | Second-hand uniform shop | Solar panel latest news | easyfundraising | The 100 Club winners | Benevity: Does your work take part?
The first half term of the year is over and we finally made it through January! Before we break up for the week we just wanted to bring you a few updates from Friends of Claverdon. After the busyness of Christmas it's always nice to have a quiet month but as always there's plenty happening behind the scenes!

This school year we've raised an amazing £3,039 for our school!
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Friends of Claverdon events and activities this school year - we're delighted to have raised over £3,000 for our school since September which is absolutely brilliant!
In addition to allocating a large amount of funds towards the solar panel project (read more below) we've also allocated money towards RE books for the children which should be in school soon.
Last week we met to think about how the rest of the year might look - and to forward plan for the 2024/25 year. As part of this we're desperately looking for volunteers for the next group of events. If you can help in any way at all please pop your details online here. Without organisers and volunteers these events just won't happen and we really want to provide the best experience we can for our children and raise as much money for school as possible. Thank you for all your support!

You can now buy second-hand branded school uniform online!
As part of our efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle, this week we launched our online shop for second-hand branded school uniform - with the website updated in real-time and all money raised going towards our school.
Donations of good quality branded uniform are gratefully received and can be donated via the box at the school reception.

Friends of Claverdon awarded £750 from William Cadbury Trust
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded £750 from the William Cadbury Trust towards our joint project with Claverdon Primary School to install solar panels on the school roof. This project will be partly funded by Friends of Claverdon donations and we are delighted to share that the project has almost reached its financial target. With all approvals in place in principle the project should be ready to move forward very soon - saving the school around £300-£400 each month of energy bills.

EasyFundraising raises over £90 this quarter... a total of £1,360 for our school since we signed up!
This quarter our incredible easyfundraising community has raised £91.55 for our school - thank you so much! You can help us continue to raise money by supporting us on easyfundraising. Sign up for free, and we'll receive free donations when you shop online with over 8,000 retailers. Since we launched this initiative we've raised an amazing £1,360 for our school - it really is worth it!
Winners for December and January have now been drawn -with £77 in prizes being won!
Did your ball come up? Across both months we've allocated £77 in prizes with £77 also being raised for our school. If you're not a member yet please do consider joining - a ball costs £2 a month with the 1st place monthly prize currently £28.50.
Benevity raises almost £900 for Friends of Claverdon so far: Does your employer take part?
As part of a review into other ways for Friends of Claverdon to raise money, we discovered Benevity - a social responsibility platform for companies that allows employees to raise money for their chosen charity by claiming money for the number of hours they have taken part in voluntary work. Since our volunteers have signed up they've raised an amazing £890 for our school!
We'd love to know if your company is signed up and how this can help us raise even more money for our school. If you think your workplace may be eligible please get in touch to have a chat about how this works.