Join us at The Red Lion, Claverdon for the first meet of the term and hear all about plans for the next 12 months, including fundraising activities and how the money raised should be spent. We welcome your feedback, suggestions and opinions. Look forward to seeing you there!
More information about what will be discussed is available below, but feel free to drop us a message online or via email at pta-claverdonschool@outlook.com if you can't make the catch up but have suggestions or feedback.
Let us know if you're coming...
Yes, I'll be there!
No, I can't make it this time.
Welcome & apologies
Minutes / notes of the last meeting
Introduce steering group
Financial update
The funding priorities next 12 months
Plans for fundraising
Events coming up
Brief overview only - full minutes available to download below:
Introduction of new steering group as follows:
Chair : Emma Foulerton
Chair support : Michelle King
Treasurer - Stacey Altham
Communications - Catriona Howard
Fundraising - Sue Sargent
Financial update
Funds have increased from £14, 825.14 to £16,370.14 since September - income from Christmas cards, Christmas gift shop and raffle
Spends included magazine/library subscriptions, TENS licence (temporary event licence), Christmas gift shop and 'Winter Wonderland' decoration
Priorities for next 12 months
Installation of solar panels - currently at quote/grant stage
Purchase of Chromebooks - will be part funded by school
RE resources - led by Mrs White - looking for someone to help coordinate
Ongoing fundraising - The 100 Club, Easyfundraising, Stikins
Suggested events included a summer ball and sponsored fun run
Upcoming events
Mothers Day gift shop
Easter Challenge (replacing last years Readathon)
School disco (Tuesday 21st May)
Bags to School (Wednesday 12th June)
Fathers Day Gift Shop (Friday 14th June)
Quiz (date TBC)
Summer Fayre (date TBC)
Other business
Future projects - school DT block/outside area
Second hand uniform options discussed
Reception area - clean-up /painting project over Easter, assess future development
Lunchtime supervisors - ideally would like parent/carer volunteers
Next meeting provisionally Mon 3rd June